Cataract Campaign Cures 940 Patients in Southwest Ethiopia of Blindness! Meet Osse Hasiso!
We met Osse at Hossana Hospital as he awaited his bilateral cataract surgery. There were many patients anxiously and quietly sitting in the long cue for surgery, but not Osse- he readily chatted with strangers, oftentimes laughing as he swiped his horse-tail fly swatter for effect.
Osse’s livelihood is farming and raising cattle, but since going blind 1.5 years ago, he became dependent on his children to take care of his home and land. He lost hope, describing himself as “getting more tired, both mentally and physically.” He also described feeling isolated and not being able to visit his friends like he used to. Losing his vision had an immense impact on his life- thankfully, Osse heard about the Cataract Campaign at his local health center and went in for his preliminary assessment.
Waiting for surgery and has his new lenses in hand!
As Osse awaited his turn for surgery, his cheerful mood was infectious- he kept other patients chatting as each waited their turn for surgery. Osse’s bilateral cataract surgeries were performed without complications.
The following morning, he arrived with his four sons, eager and ready to remove his surgical bandages. Upon removing the bandages, he reported his vision was blurry, but he was able to see. Follow-up visits and detailed aftercare instructions were given.
His smile says it all Sight restored. Independence restored. Hope restored.
This past February, WEEMA and friends partnered with the Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP)- experts in high-volume cataract surgery campaigns. WEEMA staff and volunteers supported the HCP team with triaging patients and assisting nurses and surgical staff. Over the course of six days, 940 cataract surgeries were completed by five surgeons. Cataracts are the leading cause of preventable blindness in Ethiopia. Nearly 50% of blindness and 41% of low vision cases in Ethiopia are due to cataracts which can be surgically treated.