A passionate discussion among female Leaders and Educators from Tembaro!

The women of Tembaro discuss ways of raising awareness on gender equity in their communities.

The women of Tembaro discuss ways of raising awareness on gender equity in their communities.

WEEMA facilitated a discussion among all Tembaro Woreda women school principals and teachers on the topic of Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment. The women contributed their thoughts on the importance of advocacy and awareness raising in schools and communities to fight against harmful cultural practices that perpetuate gender inequality.

The Woreda Head Administrator, Ms. Aselefech Haile and all other participants were excited for the platform to share their thoughts and said: "We even got a chance to meet each other as most of us didn't know each other before"!

 WEEMA will continue to create safe spaces for women to share their experiences and support each other as we collectively fight for a more gender equitable community.