February is Library Lover's Month! Let's Celebrate the Impact of Libraries on Students of All Ages!
“I am ranked #4 in my class!” [Image description: a young girl is sitting at a table reading a book.]
Libraries are havens, inspiring young minds to think big and reach for their dreams. Libraries in the communities we serve do just that- they are safe and inviting spaces for students of all ages to study, explore, and dream big dreams.
February is Library Lovers Month- celebrating libraries and their incredible impact on students of all ages. We met Banchiybka, a 13-year-old student in the 6th grade who lives in Mudula with her parents, two brothers, and three sisters. She shared: “...the (Degale) library and computer center have helped me become a better student. My parents cannot afford reference books, but luckily, I can go to the library and use them there. I enjoy studying at the library, and my grades are much better now!”
Degale Library is located in Mudula town. [Image description: single-story yellow building with multiple windows.] Over 20,000 community members visited Degale library in 2023!
The library is busy on most school days, full of students studying and using the resource materials. Younger children also have their own library space- with great books, tables, and chairs. Over the next two years, we will continue to support the Degale Library by purchasing books, periodicals, and reference books and refurbishing computers so students can access up-to-date resources to support their educational goals.
Younger students have access to the children's library. [ A group of young Ethiopian children are sitting at tables and reading books.]
Degale Library was constructed in 2015 and has been an important resource for the community's children. Degale is open to the public and is a place of community pride- the inviting and spacious interior is perfect for studying and has books, resource materials, and computers.
Students are busy studying at Degale Library. [Image description: a group of students are studying at long tables.]
Last year, library staff and community members built a “Cultural showcase,” including a traditional Ethiopian home (photo on right) and a collection of cultural artifacts (photo on left) in order to preserve the community's rich cultural heritage, artifacts, and customs.