Last year, I joined the farmer support project, and our lives changed completely
Asrat (far left) and his wife Dinknesh with their four beautiful children. Asrat shared, "My work and my productivity have dignified me."
[Image description: A young Ethiopian family of six is smiling and seated at a long bench in front of a tree. Three of the beautiful children are seated on the left, and the adorable baby is sitting on mother's lap. The father is seated at the far right and is hiding a large smile with his hand. He is holding crutches in his lap .]
Recently, our staff visited Asrat, his wife Dinknesh, and their four young children in the beautiful village of Osheto. Asrat and Dinknesh participate in multiple projects, including our farmers' support project, adults with disabilities project, and women's self-help group. Asrat has a physical disability, which has been physically and emotionally challenging, given the stigma he has faced in his community. He shared that he and his community have struggled with food insecurity, and many have lost their livelihood over the past five years due to droughts. It became so difficult for Asrat and Dinknesh that they couldn't afford to buy clothing or school supplies for their children. Asrat shared:
"Life was tough for all of us. Last year, I joined the farmer support project, and our lives changed completely. We learned about small-scale irrigation and new farming skills. We also received hand tools, quality seeds, avocado seedlings, goats, chickens, and grass seedlings to grow and feed to our livestock. The training team visits us regularly to check our progress and offer support and advice…This last harvest season was extremely productive! I can now provide for my family, and our two older children are now in school! I sold the surplus of vegetables and purchased an ox. My goats are healthy and growing, and I hope they will multiply and help provide for my family." Dinkesh also shared: "My women's self-help group has been supportive, and I started a small business, thanks to the small loan from my group. Thanks to these projects, our family and the entire village are transformed!"
Asrat improved his family's well-being, helped his community, and changed minds.
"In addition to covering my family's needs, I supported other people in our village. This year, I provided over ten people with food for their families. Some were afraid to receive food from me because I have a disability, but I encouraged them to take the food for their families. My work and my productivity have dignified me. I know my disability does not and will not hinder me from being productive in my life!"
Farmers in Central Ethiopia have faced drought over the past five years, impacting their productivity and overall livelihoods. New farming and irrigation skills and high-quality seeds and tools will ensure farmers like Asrat can farm sustainably to provide food for their families. Your ongoing support will give more families like Asrat's holistic strategies and solutions that will help them overcome poverty and lead healthier lives.
Left: Asrat feeds his ox and goats nutrient-dense grasses that he grew in his garden. Right: Our agricultural team is visiting Asrat (in a white shirt), and they are checking the health of his crop.
[Image description:.(left photo: An Ethiopian man feeds his ox and goats with green grass. He is standing with the aid of crutches. A traditional rural southern Ethiopian home is in the background. Right photo: A group of four Ethiopian men are surrounded by green vegetation. They are inspecting the plant growth.]