Education for Children with Physical Disabilities Brings Hope to Hiwot and Her Family
Playing is learning! [Image description: a young girl, seated in a wheelchair is placing wooden blocks on pegs as her teacher observes.]
Our Inclusive Education project provides children with physical disabilities quality educational opportunities, empowering them with the education, skills, and support they deserve and need to succeed. Hiwot’s story exemplifies the importance of access to quality education for all children, regardless of ability.
Our staff met Hiwot, a bright-eyed and engaging 9-year-old girl living in Mudula with her parents and two younger siblings. Since birth, Hiwot struggled with significant medical and physical disabilities, spending several years at Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, and then living with her grandmother in a neighboring village (where her father’s family lived.) Hiwot did not attend school as a young child, but things changed when she moved to Mudula last year.
Hiwot's mother is thrilled that her daughter has the support, skill, and care she needs to attend school! [image description: a young girl is playing with shapes, while her mother and teacher watch her.]
Hiwot’s mother heard about the Inclusive Education program from a friend and reached out to the local education department to learn more about the program. WEEMA staff visited the family at their home and discussed the educational opportunities available to Hiwot. Our staff encouraged Hiwot’s parents,
“Your child can go to school, just as the other children!”
Hiwot’s parents were encouraged to hear about the educational, emotional, and social support available to their daughter and agreed to send her to school immediately. Hiwot is now in school and adjusting to her new routines at Mudula Primary School. She receives support services from the Inclusive Education room, where her teachers work with her to build her skills.
Tagesech, Mudula's Inclusive Education instructor, speaks to Hiwot about going to school for the first time. [image description: a teacher is gently holding a student's hand, encouraging her.]
Historically, children living with a disability in rural Ethiopia did not attend school. This is changing, thanks to the dedication and hard work of staff and teachers like Tagesech, and the incredible generosity of our compassionate donors.
Hiwot is being helped into her wheelchair by her mother and Nati, WEEMA staff member [image description: a young girl is being helped into her wheelchair by her mother and staff.]