Defeating the Cycle of Poverty at 50!

Pictured here is Amarech Bedore, 50 year old Self Help Group Member turned business woman!

Pictured here is Amarech Bedore, 50 year old Self Help Group Member turned business woman!

Amarech Bedore is 50 years old and lives in Kembata Tembaro Zone with her husband and children; ten sons and six daughters. Amarech has been an active member of LEENAM, a Self Help Group WEEMA has supported since 2016! Before she joined her Self Help Group, Amarech felt powerless on how to support her big family even though she knew she had the potential to offer more. Once she joined LEENAM, everything changed and she started learning about savings and business.

Today, five years, one loan and ten installment payments later, Amarech has built a successful business making cotton clothes and traditional pots from local materials. Her business grew from simply selling at local markets to customers who personally order from her home. Amarech continues to work passionately on growing her business while supporting her family. We are so incredibly proud of Amarech and her Self Help Group that provides the training, technical support and supervision for resilient women like Amarech in their fight against poverty!

When you invest in our Self Help Groups, you enable women like Amarech to invest in themselves and their families.

Amarech prepares cotton for the clothes she makes!

Amarech prepares cotton for the clothes she makes!