370 Women Have Received Life-Changing UVP and Fistula Surgical Intervention
[inage description: a group of women are singing]
Over the past two years, we’ve collaborated with Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Yirgalem, coordinating a high-volume screening and surgical intervention for the treatment of Uterine Vaginal Prolapse (UVP) and fistula. UVP and fistula are a significant public health concern in the communities we serve. Women frequently take on unsafe, labor-intensive, and physical work, putting them at greater risk for UVP. Both UVP and fistula significantly affect women’s quality of life by compromising their physical, social, and mental health. For many women, the added burden of shame isolates them even further from their families and friends.
This past October, we visited Yirgalem Hospital and met 15 women who had just arrived the day prior and were awaiting surgery. They graciously agreed to share their journey and medical issues with us. For many of the women, they learned about the campaign by word of mouth. Amarech, a patient from Hadiya, shared:
“...women from other areas are finding out about the campaign and coming for evaluation. Women are speaking with other women and encouraging them to seek treatment.”
Women are first screened for UVP and fistula at Mudula Hospital. Once organized, 15 women at a time are transported to Yirgalem Fistula Hospital, where they receive top-quality healthcare, surgical intervention, and emotional support they need to recover fully.
Almaz, a woman who suffered with UVP for 4 years, shared:
“I heard about the campaign from a friend who had the same problem. She had the surgery and was very positive about her experience- that is why I decided to seek treatment for myself. Everything has been amazing- the transportation and treatment are free. I feel safe. The staff described everything that will happen, and I will stay for two weeks, but I’m not worried.”
[image description: a group of women are singing.]
Over the past two years, 370 women received life-affirming UVP or fistula surgery thanks to our partnership with Hamlin Fistula Hospital. The impact of this intervention is tremendous- women no longer suffer in silence and carry the burden and pain of UVP and fistula. Many of these women are paying it forward and speaking to other women in their communities about the treatment now available to them.
To learn more about Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Yirgalem, click the box below: